Urban Public Transportation Study Series: Surabaya

Urban Public Transportation Study Series: Surabaya

, a major city in East Java, Indonesia, stands out as a prominent tourist destination in the region. However, since the COVID-19 pandemic struck globally in 2020, Surabaya’s tourism industry has experienced a significant downturn. To counteract this decline, the Surabaya city government aims to boost the number of both domestic and international tourists visiting the city. An essential factor in achieving this goal is the availability of effective transportation, as highlighted by Lohman & Pearce in 2012. Similar to other metropolitan areas in Indonesia, Surabaya’s current mobility is largely dominated by private vehicles.


Improving the public transportation system can serve as a foundational step in increasing the number of tourists and enhancing tourist areas in Surabaya. This endeavor is not merely about providing facilities but also about ensuring these facilities effectively meet the needs of both residents and visitors.


The “Urban Public Transportation Study Series: Surabaya,” published by AEER, the Surabaya Transport Discussion Forum, and Arkom East Java, offers valuable information and recommendations for implementing an improved transportation system in Surabaya. By adopting these recommendations, Surabaya can take significant strides toward revitalizing its tourism sector and providing a more seamless travel experience for all.

Urban Public Study Series: SURABAYA (ENG)
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